Upcoming Events
Congratulations SPC Faculty! We have now ratified our first Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Thank you for sending in your ballots so quickly and a special thanks to the volunteers who counted the ballots!
The College has been notified of the ratification results. The Board must now take a vote on ratification. If it passes, the CBA will be in place. The next two BOT meetings are Sept. 17th and Oct. 8th at 9am.
The ratification of our first Collective Bargaining Agreement will be by secret ballot vote. Ballots must be received to the address provided by 12pm on September 13, 2024 in order to be counted.
All members of the bargaining unit are eligible to vote, regardless of membership status.
The tally will take place on Sept. 13, 2024 at 3pm in the conference room of the Clearwater Countryside Library; the count will also be streamed on Zoom. All faculty are welcome to attend.
UFF-SPC Ratification Vote Count
Sept. 13, 2024 3pm
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Meeting ID: 879 9907 2359
In anticipation of the vote, there will be a chapter meeting on Sept. 4th at 6:30pm to review the provisions of the contract:
Topic: Union CBA Ratification Meeting
Time: Sep 4, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Our Mission
The mission of the St. Petersburg College chapter of the UFF is to create and sustain a collective voice; to promote faculty empowerment and shared governance; to maintain a collegiate culture of academic integrity and professional respect; to work for the economic security of the faculty; to advocate for faculty; to safeguard academic freedom and academic excellence; to better serve our students and solidify SPC’s position as an exemplary institution of higher learning.